发布时间: 2021-04-07 浏览次数: 3041


3月31日上午,希腊共和国驻沪总领事孔尼舸先生(Koniakos Vasileios)一行四人到访上海外国语大学松江校区。校党委书记姜锋热情地接待了总领事,宾主双方就中希两国教育合作和文化交流展开深入交流。

孔尼舸此行兑现了一个约定,向上外世界语言博物馆赠送展示古希腊文明的代表性文物——费斯托斯圆盘(Phaistos Disc)的复制品。该圆盘可追溯到公元前1600年左右,是希腊最早刻有文字的泥板,其用途至今仍是个谜。






参加上述活动的还有希腊驻沪总领事馆公共外交办公室主任彼得·查鲁希斯先生(Tsarouchis Petros)、公共外交副领事海伦·穆萨琪女士(Moutsaki Eleni)、总领秘书施彬埙女士,以及上外西方语系、对外合作交流处、语言博物馆负责人和希腊语专业中外教师及全体学生。


Greek Consul General in Shanghai visits SISU to facilitate cultural ties

The Consulate General of Greece in Shanghai donated a replica of the famous Phaistos Disc to the Museum of Language of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) on March 31, 2021 during a visit at SISU's Songjiang Campus.

The fired clay Disc from the Minoan palace of Phaistos on the Greek island of Cretee, dating to the middle or late Minoan Bronze Age (1600 BCE), is possibly the earliest record of written script in ancient Greece. SISU houses China's first language museum to promote global linguistic diversity.

The Greek delegation, led by Koniakos Vasileios, Greek Consul General, included Tsarouchis Petros, Consul for Public Diplomacy, Moutsaki Eleni, Vice Consul for Public Diplomacy and Shi Binxun, Executive Secretary. 

Dr. Jiang Feng, SISU's University Council Chair received the delegation. He expressed his gratitude to the Consulate General for the long-lasting support to SISU's Greek language teaching and research. SISU was the first Chinese university to offer Greek studies program, which was initiated in 1972, witnessing the enduring friendship between the two countries.

Mr. Koniakos appreciated SISU's great contribution to the promotion of China-Greece educational ties. He highlighted the importance of language in preserving cultural identity and heritage.

(Group photo at SISU's Museum of Language)

The tradition of ancient Greece played a pivotal role in shaping western civilization and so did the spirit of modern Greece, Koniakos said.

The year of 2021 is symbolic for both China and Greece, marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 200th anniversary of the Greek War of Independence. For celebration, a special exhibition featuring a range of Greek diplomatic archives was launced at SISU's museum as one of the cultural events in the China-Greece Year of Culture and Tourism.

Jiang emphasized that the ultimate goal of CPC's founding was to librate China from hegemonism, imperialism and bullying by Foreign Powers since modern times, for the dignity and well-being of Chinese nation - a similar spirit cherished by the Greek people striving for independence 200 years ago.

(Conversation at a SISU student-run café)

During their visit, the Greek delegation enjoyed a creative exhibition about world languages at the Museum of Language, tasted coffee at a student-run café at university library, talked with staff in the Service Center for Students, and joined a SISU-featured sport class learning how to play softball professionally.

来源 | 西方语系、对外合作交流处、世界语言博物馆

编译 | 英语网、希腊语网